


(6 顾客评论)


Large chunks of Wild Alaskan Red 红大麻哈鱼 fill this hearty and healthy chowder. Blended with potatoes, corn, 芹菜, 胡萝卜 & 洋葱和奶油酱.

成分: Heavy cream (Grade A pasteurized cream), 水, smoked 红大麻哈鱼 (红大麻哈鱼, 盐), 红色的土豆, 甜玉米, 洋葱, 芹菜, 红大麻哈鱼, 黄油(巴氏消毒奶油), 盐), 胡萝卜, 木薯淀粉, 小米面粉, 海盐, 番茄酱, 香料, 糖, 大蒜, 明胶, 柠檬汁, 塔巴斯科(蒸馏醋), 红辣椒, 盐), 天然香料, 天然烟熏香精.

Packed in a 9 oz, non-BPA pouch.


SKU: 2061 类别:



6次评论 烟熏鲑鱼杂烩

  1. 汤姆安森

    I love the clam chowder, but I think I may like this even better. 这真的是很棒的东西.

  2. 汤姆安森

    I thought this would be too fishy for my tastes, but I was wrong; it really is very good. Can’t wait to re-supply my pantry.

  3. 凯瑟琳年代

    This chowder is delicious over rice or with vegetables, or just by itself! It is a nice quick meal and is not heavy or salty. I am not a big fan of salmon, but I do enjoy this chowder! This is another excellent product from this company, and I will be buying more!

  4. 汤姆

    Props for a light hand with the saltshaker. That’s the tipping point in my decision making whilst comparison shopping.

  5. 欢乐林

    美味的! 大块美味的三文鱼. 漂亮的一致性. Love having them on hand for an easy super tasty dinner. Extra bonus not as heavy on salt as so many prepared soups.

  6. 大卫·邓肯

    It is hard to believe that these soups from a pouch taste as good as anything I have made myself — and I am usually a “from scratch” chef . I live in Phoenix so what they make has fresher ingredients no doubt. Plus, a meal is ready in two minutes. 我喜欢这些!


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